Subscribe to the OmarKnows E-Mail Newsletter!

UPDATE December 2022: Omar has moved his newsletter to Substack. You can now subscribe here!
I have been a huge admirer of Omar Shahine for a long time. He is a colleague of mine at Microsoft who works on OneDrive. He is one of the smartest people I know and always has a well-balanced view on the happenings of the technology industry which he shares via his blog. Omar also loves gadgets. He writes about the gadgets he buys on his blog and tells you if he loves them or not. These posts get sent out as part of an e-mail newsletter that gets sent out about every week or so. He started this a couple of years ago. I’m normally not a fan of getting more e-mail but his newsletter has become something I read religiously when it hits my inbox every week. He has covered a variety of different types of gadgets ranging from a wallet to a toaster oven in addition to popular gadgets like the latest iPhone models. Omar’s writing has recently shifted beyond just talking about gadgets to talking about things like travel experiences and lifehacks which I find immensely insightful. Recently, he has written about traveling with his family for 7 weeks and amazing Pro Traveler Tips. The Pro Traveler Tips was very helpful for me before going on my first trip to Europe last year.
I highly recommend you subscribe to Omar’s newsletter for amazing views on gadgets and technology and some pretty amazing tips and tricks for doing things around the house and traveling.
(Sorry, Omar… I couldn’t think of a better featured image to use…)